Time is Money—and Building Your Website with Kajabi Can Save You BOTH

tech Apr 29, 2024
Kajabi platform



If you haven’t heard, there’s one platform out there that I recommend for hosting and building your website above all others: Kajabi. And if you have heard me say it before, but are feeling overwhelmed by all the features it offers…I’m here today to break it down for you, alongside my good friend Katie Fleming, who interviewed me all about my experience with the Kajab platform!



First Impressions

Katie Fleming: So, talk to me about your first impressions of the Kajabi platform. What made you decide that this was what you wanted to use for yourself and recommend to your clients?

Katie Ferro: Well, it all started when I bought a course as I was trying to figure out how to sell passive products to online business owners. I wanted it to be something educational, like webinars; I ended up getting on somebody's webinar on Pinterest, and then buying my first online course without knowing what I was going to see on the back end.

When I came in, it was about selling knowledge, structured content, and that login was in the Kajabi platform. So I saw her “Powered by Kajabi” label, and I thought, “This is how I would like to host something.”

Afterwards, I went to Kajabi and got my account, and it ended up solving a lot of initial problems I had: I wanted a website, but when I got quoted for a website, they quoted me $5,000. I did not have anywhere near $5,000 to put into a website. That's many months of my mortgage—not to mention I was a stay-at-home mom at the time, bringing in no income. That number made me freak!

At the same time, I was spending hours and hours putting stuff together on Squarespace. Now, I consider myself fairly creative and techy, but it just wasn't coming out the way that I wanted, so all that time was getting wasted.

Well, lo and behold, the Kajabi platform had everything I needed and wanted—and so many things I didn't even know that I wanted until I had them, including a way to get paid with a very clear, pretty functional landing page.

So, as far as what made up my mind, the website and the way the Kajabi platform does e-mail were the two biggest things. However, those were far from the only things.

There's actually so much that it can do; in fact, I think that it can get overwhelming when you’re talking about it and not seeing it for yourself. So if you (hi readers!) see me talking about these things and start getting overwhelmed…don’t panic! Once you get in, it’s so user-friendly that all that overwhelm goes away quickly.


Time is Money—Literally

Katie Ferro: I want to go back to that “wasted time piece, too.

Back in 2018, when I was exploring the Kajabi platform, I had two babies. I wasn’t pregnant with my third yet, but I knew I wanted her, and I already had no time.

I had no babysitter. I was up all night for years. I never had the kids that slept through the night. I couldn’t even find the time to text people back.

Because of that, the Kajabi platform was the very best way for me to get my time back and move forward in my business.

It’s $150 per month for the plan I’m on. In hourly rate terms, that’s about one and a half hours of my time. So if I can save an hour and a half each month, I'm cash positive—and if I can earn $150 a month, I'm cash positive beyond that.

I've never had a month where those two things weren’t multiplied by ten, either. Ten times $150 is only $1,500, so I am well into cash-positive territory.

In fact, it was so easy to make the Kajabi platform worth my money that to me, it became a scratch-off ticket where I know I'm going to win every time. I would buy a scratch-off ticket for a dollar every day if I knew that I was going to win ten dollars back each time. That’s what Kajabi has always been for me: a scratch-off where I will always gain more than I lose.




Katie Fleming: So what results have you seen from using the Kajabi platform?

Katie Ferro:  Well, we have hundreds and hundreds of students between LIBBY and BABs, and the Kajabi platform has allowed us to easily and impactfully help people recognize what they're capable of and actually achieve their goals.

I've sent out twenty-something bottles of Prosecco for people who quit their full-time job, and that’s just the people that actually turn in their form. Dozens of people have actually left their corporate job after going through BABs and LIBBY.

If I wasn't using systems, if I didn't have BABs automated the way that I do through the Kajabi platform, we would never be able to serve that many people. They would never be able to achieve those results. They wouldn't be able to elevate into LIBBY and start signing clients and leave their jobs and be home with their kids.

And in my own life, it gives me the ability to do so much more than I could have in corporate. This year was the first year that my kids all went to school, and I was able to be in the classroom every time they invited parents to participate. That was a huge reason I built my business the way I did in the first place, so it just confirmed that I made the right choices on the way here.


The Change

Katie Fleming: Now that you have Profits, I’ve heard you say something along the lines of “Profits change lives.” I would love for you to share how your profits have changed your life and your clients’ lives.

Katie Ferro: The line is “Bookkeeping increases profits, and profits change lives.” Because most people that I speak to have a mission on their heart, that mission is at the forefront of what they want to do. And in a lot of cases, they’re running unprofitable businesses trying to make a change, and it's completely unsustainable, and it breaks my heart.

That’s why I want people to look at their numbers, because they have to profit in order to do this. They can't do it in the long-term and not profit.

For me, I think one of the things that I didn't recognize would be so powerful was the autonomy, choice, and safety a profitable business has given me.

When you have a profitable business, you are no longer vulnerable to abusive situations or dangerous situations. You can earn, you can move, and you can take things into your own hands and take care of yourself.

People don’t often think of it that way, but the ability to have a profitable business brings a level of safety that, historically, women haven't had access to.  It's pretty big stuff.

The more things you have automated, the more time you have to actually be earning more profit; and the more profit you have, the more positive change you are able to create in your life and in the lives of others. Kajabi is the best automation tool I’ve used, and I don’t expect I’ll ever find a better one.



But That’s Not All…

This isn’t the full conversation Katie Fleming and I had—there is so much more waiting for you on Episode 176 of Profits + Prosecco, including how I got started in this work, all the features I love in Kajabi (and the ones I don’t use), and how to utilize the Kajabi platform effectively to support a profitable business!

If you’re not quite sold on Kajabi yet…first of all, how? And second of all, I promise you will be by the end of this interview. And trust me…once you try it, you’ll never look back. I certainly haven’t!



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katiefleming/ 



Ready to save yourself time—and therefore, increase your profits—by automating your admin tasks? Get access to my FREE workshop now: www.katieferro.com/automate

Learn how to take your bookkeeping skills and turn them into a business that allows you to replace (or surpass) your corporate salary, be present for your life, and profoundly impact your clients without selling your life in the process by joining Life by the Books (LIBBY).  

Need to boost your bookkeeping basics? Join BABs now: https://www.katieferro.com/become 

Want a peek behind the curtain into LIBBY, my program all about what it really takes to have a simple and scalable (and successful) bookkeeping business? Get access to my free, on-demand four-part series, 6 Secrets to a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business: www.katieferro.com/6-secrets 



Website: https://www.katieferro.com/

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